Notes to Norah - 4 Months

Notes to Norah - 4 Months


Miss Norah: 

While I can barely believe I'm saying this (this happens every month, I know) ... you're 4 MONTHS OLD. It just doesn't feel real, all of this baby bliss. You're the happiest baby unless you're hungry or you've pooped in your carseat (which happens every morning... can we please fix this?) 

You've learned to roll over, giggle, stick out your tongue and suck on your two middle fingers like a rockstar. Your siblings are blown away that you can do "tricks", that you know how to "talk" and when you roll over, we basically throw a parade. I presume your whole life will be like this - we'll celebrate all of your wins, small or big, 3 times more, every time. When you learn to walk, we'll undoubtedly scream and celebrate with sparkling cider, when you lose a tooth: we'll cheer for you (and you'll have 3 times the tooth fairy loot!) and when you have your first day of school: we'll all be here with tears in our eyes and big beating hearts. Your cheerleaders are plenty, and for that you are infinitely blessed. 

This month, you celebrated your first holiday (we dressed you up as a unicorn!), you slept through the night and you EVEN giggled! Baylor & Bella race to your bed as soon as you wake up and wait to unzip you and watch you streeeeetch so big - it's the highlight of our day. You make our hearts beat out of our chests, you're the most peaceful little baby and you've brought an unsurmountable joy into our lives (and chaos all at the same time!). We love you more than you'll ever know, Norah Norah, Miss Adora!  

One more thing: please stay this small & sweet forever. It's just too good. 

Love, mama. 

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