Life Lately

Life Lately

We've been up to our fair share of holiday goodness over here so I thought I'd just brief you on all the latest happenings. 

After thanksgiving, we made a Holiday Bucket List of all the things we wanted to do this year and we're slowly checking them off. Being diligent about a list was one thing, but we actually attached dates to these things this year and it's been SO fun to have things on the calendar to look forward to. We are very much homebodies the rest of the year, so Christmas is a great time for us to be intentional about going & doing. I know there's a lot to be said for "staying home, slowing down, and focusing on being together" during the holidays, which I am ALL for (trust me, when I say home bodies, I mean HOME, TOGETHER, OFTEN & HAPPY ABOUT IT), BUT there's so much magic to witness this time of year and we are all about experiencing with our kids. I'm much more likely this time of year to break my routines, go out and do something on a whim and to tuck my little elves into bed much much later than normal. It's only Christmas once a year and we are going to get all the magic out of it. I want my kids to remember our Christmas seasons as exciting, magical and the perfect exclamation point on the year. We'll reset & rest in January when life slows down and there's no reindeer at the local nursery or sugar plum fairies dancing in the streets. So, when you see seven hundred instagram posts about slowing down, resting, avoiding all the holiday hub-ub, take it how you wish. Don't feel bad if you go ice skating during nap time, give your kids one too many hot cocoas, or go look at Christmas lights instead of giving everyone a bath. Do what feels right for you, for your family and for your holiday. 

We've decorated sugar cookies & gingerbread houses, visited Santa, had school plays (where Baylor said his innkeeper costume made him look "widiculous" and we've spent a lot of time in our jammies!

We stayed in a hotel for my birthday, did Snowflake Lane, went ice skating and even did some modeling ;) 

My sister is horrified at Bellamy here ... ha! We've eaten our favorite treats, looked at lots of christmas lights and even visited the reindeer! It's been a very busy, very magical December and I'm full of anticipation for the next few days! 

Enjoy these last few days before the big guy comes! Soak up allll that magic, however it feels right to you! XO 

A Recap of 2017

A Recap of 2017

Men's Gift Guide

Men's Gift Guide