Notes to Norah - 6 Months

Notes to Norah - 6 Months

Dear Norah:

It's been SIX months of loving you and my goodness, each day gets better than the last. The fastest 6 months of my life, but I've made a very conscious effort to soak it all in, as I know how fleeting this part of your life is. 


You had your first Christmas (a white one, at that!) - you snuggled up beneath the tree (you loved chewing on the branches) and watched us all tear our presents open with wonder in your big blue eyes. We spent New Years Eve as a family, you in your little swaddle, watching us sip champagne & sparkling cider while we clanked our glasses & probably spilled more than we actually drank. 

You love your siblings and think that Bellamy has the funniest tricks of all. You love watching her jump up & down and surprise you. You also love when they race you in your walker up & down the hall way -  it usually ends in a rear-end to the staircase. You're starting to feel like less of an infant and more of a roll polly baby which equal parts breaks me and moves me. 


We fed you food for the first time this month and, while you were ambivalent at first, you've taken it like a champ and are all about it now. Bellamy & Baylor find it hilarious when you spit out your food and Winnie always wants a taste of what you're eating (not surprisingly). Winnie has started to call you "MY Norah" - she feels a sense of ownership over you and make it clear to everyone around that you are HERS. It's the best. I pray that she's always your keeper, just as she has her own in Bella. 

We love you, we love the ways you make us laugh, you make us slow and the ways you make us a family. I cherish the quiet moments we have together, as I know that time is fleeting. Your independence is approaching at a rapid pace and while that sounds totally daunting, I can't help but marvel at you and who you're becoming. 

Love, Mama

Beneath The Layers - February

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