Pregnancy Update!

Pregnancy Update!

Good morning friends! I don’t think I’ve done an “official” pregnancy update on the blog this time around, so I thought I’d answer a few of your burning questions ;)


How far along? 30 weeks and some change (I’m terrible at keeping track, but I am certain things are progressing rather quickly ;)

Total weight gain/loss? We’re at a whopping 35 lbs. Nothing fits, I’ve exploited every ounce of Collin’s wardrobe and am strategizing what the eff I’m going to wear for the next 8-10 weeks.

Maternity clothes? I am LOVING these jeans (on sale!!), this dress, this cozy sweatshirt and of course, my every-day leggings that probably feel victimized at this point.

Sleep? Sleep was great until last week. Once I’m asleep, I do ok, but getting into a position where I feel comfortable is the real problem here. I keep thinking I should buy one of those pregnancy pillows, and then think back to how I would tell my first-time-pregnant-self to BUY ALL THE THINGS because 5 kids later, they would’ve been worth EVERY PENNY.

Best moment this week? We set up the crib, dresser and started organizing all the tiny baby things. I used to wait until a bit later to get down to work on the nursery, but honestly, it’s just so uncomfortable to do much of anything after 34 weeks so I want to have it all done before the final countdown!

Food cravings? I’m either anti-food or STARVING. Currently loving any form of sushi (opinions shall remain your own), teriyaki, thai, etc. and for some reason, I’ve got a severe craving for pesto. So bizarre, but here we are. Also, ICE. Can’t get enough and my teeth probably hate me.

Gender? Don’t know and can’t hardly wait to find out - the best moment for SURE.

Name: You wish you knew ;) We have the same name, regardless of gender, so it’s been fun to order a few personalized things here & there, without knowing gender!

Labor signs? HA! Not quite yet. Mama isn’t ready yet.

Belly button in or out? Neutral. Poor belly button is flat as a pancake.

What I miss? Honestly just trying to savor every moment, good & bad, of this pregnancy because I know it’s my last. So trying to not miss anything as I know it’ll all be back to normal before I can blink.

What I'm looking forward to? Just can not WAIT for the kids to meet their new muse. The best part of a big family is watching your older kids turn into the most nurturing, loving, caring siblings, time & time again.

Essential Oils Tool Kit

Essential Oils Tool Kit

