5 Tips to Embrace the Chaos

5 Tips to Embrace the Chaos

It’s no secret that any house with little kids is CHAOTIC. It doesn’t matter if you have 2 or 7 — it’s loud, chaotic, and messy. Over the last 8 years, I’ve come to some time-tested conclusions about how to EMBRACE the chaos (ps … that’s the first lesson - embrace it!!)


Here’s a few lessons from a not-so-perfect mom who continues to learn these things through trial & error:

1. Pick your battles! Water on the floor is a very small problem when someone’s swimming in the toilet. What’s a big problem and what’s a laughable inconvenience? 
2. STOP trying to keep up with the mess! I pick one space (kitchen, bedroom, living room, etc) at a time to keep clean. If I tried to keep the entire house clean at once, I’d be miserable (and so would my kids!)
3. Join the madness! If it’s loud, crank Alexa up to 10 (let her show you what she’s made of!) and dance on the couches.
4. Know your limit. There’s a time to deal and a time to disappear. 5 minutes in your closet can do miracles for the entire house. Oils, wine, and coffee are my co-parents. 
5. Lower your expectations! They’re KIDS. Put yourself in their shoes and realize that they’re learning. Patience goes a long way and the more you practice it, the more you’ll see how much it’s worth.

🌈 Ultimately, if you can embrace the chaos, you will win. What you RESIST, persists! My kids are happier, I’m happier, and our home is more at peace when I can let go and release myself from unrealistic expectations!